About the Journal

Journal Name Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi
Initial JIFA
Prefix DOI -
Accreditation Non-Accreditation
Publication Frequently 2x per years
Fee Lihat APC
Publisher Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Notokusomo Yogyakarta
Indexing -

Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi (JIFa) is a peer-reviewed biannual journal managed by the Pharmacy Study Program of STIKES Notokusumo. This journal is designed as a place of dissemination original article and/or article review. This journal publishes research on a detailed variety of topics in pharmacy including pharmaceutical science and technology as well as biomedical science, clinical pharmacy and community pharmacy.

As a forum for ideas and information discussions between researchers, academics, and practitioners, this journal is expected to be able to support and initiate the latest studies in pharmacy. The research results reported in this journal will hopefully contribute to the development of pharmaceutical science as well as health science.

Authors should follow the format of the journal. Editable files (e.g. Word) are required to typeset your articles for final publication. Each manuscript is reviewed by the editor. If it is suitable for publication, it is then sent to at least two reviewers for blind review. Based on their evaluations, the editor decides whether the paper could be accepted, revised or rejected. Please submit your manuscripts to the online submission. All correspondences, including notification of the editor’s decision and request for revision, are sent via e-mail. There is no submission fee.