Peran Kader Melalui Kegiatan Prenatal Class dalam Upaya Pencegahan Kegawatdaruratan pada Ibu Hamil
The Role of Cadres Through Prenatal Class Activities in Emergency Prevention Efforts in Pregnant Women
kader, prenatal class, ibu hamilAbstract
Abstrak: Kader kesehatan merupakan salah satu garda dalam penanganan Kesehatan untuk mengakses peran kaderkesehatan dalam Prenatal Class kegiatan memenuhi kebutuhan calon orang tua. Kegiatan belajar bersama tentang kesehatan bagi ibu hamil, dalam bentuk tatap muka yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilankader dalam pencegahan kegawatdaruratan melalui class ibu hamil. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yaitu Analisis situasi, Kegiatan FGD dan Penyuluhan Kader. Polindes Desa Pelem yang dihadiri 100% peserta ibu-ibu kader sejumlah 15 orang kader. Kegiatan dilakukan Focus Group Discussion, Penjelasan materi mengenai Prenatal Class yang terdiri dari beberapa sub topik 1) Teknik Relaksasi 2) Posisi dan Postur Tubuh Ibu Hamil 3) Senam Ibu Hamil 4) Kegawatgaruratan bumil 5) Konseling Kesehatan. Peningkatan kemampuan kader terhadap pelaksanaan prenatal class dibuktikan keseluruhan kader mampu menjelaskan konsep dan tindakan. Kegiatan ketiga penyuluhan dilakukan oleh kader posyandu kemasyarakat (ibu hamil) dilakukan bertempat di Balai Desa Pelem. Penyuluhan sesi kedua dihadiri 60% peserta ibu-ibu hamil sejumlah 6 orang dan 14 orang kader. Kader menyampaikan materi kepada peserta penyuluhan tentang upaya pencegahan kegawatdaruratan melalui kelas ibu hamil terutama promosi Kesehatan. Evaluasi pemberian intervensi kepada kader untuk pencegahan kegawatdaruratan pada ibu hamil. Antusiasme kader cukup tinggi dan respon positif terhadap kegiatan.
Abstract: Health cadres are one of the guards in health care to access the role of health cadres in Prenatal Class activities to meet the needs of prospective parents. Joint learning activities about health for pregnant women, in the form of face-to-face meetings that aim to increase the knowledge and skills of cadres in emergency prevention through pregnant women classes. The objectives of community service activities are situation analysis, FGD activities and cadre counseling. Polindes of Pelem Village which was attended by 100% of female cadre participants totaling 15 cadres. Activities carried out Focus Group Discussion, Explanation of material regarding Prenatal Class which consists of several sub-topics 1) Relaxation Techniques 2) Position and Posture of the Body of Pregnant Women 3) Exercise for Pregnant Women 4) Emergencies of pregnant women 5) Health Counseling. Increasing the ability of cadres to carry out prenatal classes is proven by all cadres being able to explain concepts and actions. The third outreach activity was carried out by community posyandu cadres (pregnant women) at the Pelem Village Hall. The second counseling session was attended by 60% of participants, 6 pregnant women and 14 cadres. Cadres deliver material to counseling participants about efforts to prevent emergencies through classes for pregnant women, especially health promotion. Evaluation of the provision of interventions to cadres for the prevention of emergencies in pregnant women. The enthusiasm of the cadres was quite high and the response was positive towards the activities.
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