Evidence Based Practice Intradialytic Exercise untuk Pengelolaan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) Stage V


  • Kusuma Prima Daniyati


Chronic Kidney Diseases, Blood Pressure, Intradialytic Exercise


Background : Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a progressive disorder of kidney function and can not be recovered back. Haemodialysis serves as replacement therapy of loss of kidney function. Patients typically undergo hemodialysis uraemic syndrome, a collection of symptoms that can lead to cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension. Intradialytic exercise is an exercise that is done at the time of undergoing hemodialysis.

Objective: This study aims to manage blood pressure in patients undergoing hemodialysis and hypertension by intradialytic exercise action.

Method: The method used survey and used a sample of 30 people with the intake sample by purposive sample. Based on the measurement of blood pressure pre and post-exercise looks intradialytic blood pressure changes and blood pressure stability.

Result: Based on the evaluation of the implementation of intradialytic exercise that has been carried out for 3 weeks (6 times exercise) occurs stability of blood pressure during exercise. The results of observations in patients who had stable blood pressure at pre and post-HD shows that they follow intradialytic exercise with the maximum movement in accordance with the instructions provided and regularly every 2 times a week. Whereas in patients who have unstable blood pressure at pre and post-HD can be affected by several factors such as frequency of exercise, stress conditions, and sleep disorders.

Conclusion: Patients are expected to exercise regularly time of dialysis, so it can decrease blood pressure is near normal or blood pressure remained stable.




How to Cite

Prima Daniyati, K. (2013). Evidence Based Practice Intradialytic Exercise untuk Pengelolaan Tekanan Darah pada Pasien Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) Stage V. Jurnal Keperawatan Notokusumo, 1(1). Retrieved from http://jurnal.stikes-notokusumo.ac.id/index.php/jkn/article/view/18