Peningkatan Kesehatan Siswa di Panti Asuhan Al Wahhaab Sleman Melalui Penyuluhan Kesehatan
Improving Student Health in Al Wahhaab Orphanage, Sleman Through Health Counseling
panti asuhan, pendidikan kesehatan, PHBSAbstract
Abstrak: Cara yang baik untuk mengurangi dampak Covid-19 dengan usaha preventif atau pencegahan. Sosialisasipada anak terhadap pencegahan Virus Corona bisa di Panti Asuhan Al Wahhaab Sleman. Tempat ini dipilih karena lokasinya mudah dijangkau, sehingga penulis bisa melakukan penyuluhan kesehatan tentang Perilaku Hidup Bersihdan Sehat (PHBS), protokol kesehatan dan nutrisi untuk imunitas.Metode dengan ceramah dan tanya jawabtentang PHBS, Nutrisi dan Protokol Kesehatan. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 25 September 2021. Peserta 20 siswa. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan bahwa siswa Panti Asuhan tampak mendengarkan materi penyuluhan tentang PHBS,Nutrisi dan Protokol Kesehatan dengan baik. Pada sesi tanya jawab, dari 3 siswa yang diberikan pertanyaan secaralisan, ketiganya mampu menjawab dengan benar. Kesimpulan bahwa tim pengabdian telah mengaplikasikan ilmu kesehatan serta pengetahuan siswa tentang PHBS, protokol kesehatan dan nutrisi untuk imunitas tubuh telah meningkat diketahui dari kemampuan siswa menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan dengan benar.
Abstract: A good way to reduce the impact of Covid-19 is with preventive or preventive efforts. Socialization to children on the prevention of the Corona Virus can be done at the Al Wahhaab Orphanage in Sleman. This place was chosen because the location is easy to reach, so the authors can conduct health education about Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS), health protocols and nutrition for immunity. Method with lectures and questions and answers about PHBS, Nutrition and Health Protocol. The activity was held on Saturday, September 25, 2021. Participants were 20 students.The results of the evaluation of the activity showed that the orphanage students seemed to listen to the counseling materials on PHBS, Nutrition and Health Protocols well. In the question and answer session, of the 3 students who were given questions orally, all three were able to answer correctly. The conclusion that the service team has applied health science and students' knowledge about PHBS, health protocols and nutrition for body immunity has increased, it is known from the ability of students to answer the questions given correctly.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Antok Nurwidi Antara, Patria Asda , Nuryeti Syarifah

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