Pemberdayaan Bidan dalam Identifikasi Kebutuhan Spiritual Ibu Hamil
Empowering Midwives in Identifying The Spiritual Needs of Pregnant Women
bidan, ibu hamil, kebutuhan spiritualAbstract
Abstrak: Pemberdayaan bidan dalam identifikasi kebutuhan spiritual diperlukan sebagai dasar ilmiah penerapan pengembangan pelayanan kebidanan. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan bidan dalam mengidentifikasi kebutuhan spiritual ibu hamil. Metode dengan mengadakan pelatihan kepada bidan, sebanyak 15 orang bidan Puskesmas Jogonalan II Klaten berpartisipasi. Pelatihan dilakukan selama 3 sesi, yaitu: pertama pemberian penyuluhan tentang kebutuhan spiritual ibu hamil dengan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, kedua pelatihan penggunaan instumen, dan ketiga dilakukan demonstrasi identifikasi kebutuhan spiritual ibu hamil dengan studi kasus. Pengetahuan bidan tentang kebutuhan spiritual diukur pada pretest dan posttest menggunakan intrumen Patients Spiritual Needs Assessment Scale melalui Google form. Rentang umur bidan dari 22-52 tahun, mean+SD 36,67+11,19, pendidikan lulusan D3 Kebidanan 7(46,6 %), lulusan D4 Kebidanan 6(40%) dan lulusan Pendidikan Profesi Bidan 2(13,3%), rerata lama bekerja 1-35 tahun, mean+SD 19,67+11,00. Semua responden memberikan pelayanan kehamilan, persalinan, nifas dan menyusui, neonatus, bayi, balita anak pra sekolah dan pelayanan KB 8(53,3%) mempunyai Praktik Mandiri Bidan. Rerata skor pretest 35,07 dan posttest 37,47 poin, sehingga terjadi kenaikan skor sebesar 2,4. Berdasarkan pelatihan ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan bidan tentang kebutuhan spiritual ibu hamil dan dapat diterapkan dalam pelayanan sehingga asuhan kebidanan yang diberikan bisa bersifat holistik.
Abstract: Empowering midwives in identifying spiritual needs is as a scientific basis for implementation in midwifery services. The aim: to increase midwives' knowledge in identifying the spiritual needs of pregnant women. A number of 15 midwives the Jogonalan II Klaten Community Health Center participated. The training was carried out in 3 sessions: providing counseling about the spiritual needs of pregnant women using the lecture method, question and answer, training on the use of instruments and a demonstration of identifying the spiritual needs of pregnant women using case studies. Midwives' knowledge was measured using the Patients Spiritual Needs Assessment Scale instrument via Google form. The age mean+SD 36.67+11.19, D3 Midwifery graduates 7(46.6%), D4 Midwifery graduates 6(40%) and Midwife Professional Education graduates 2(13.3%) %), the length of work mean+SD 19.67+11.00. All respondents provided pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, neonates, infants and pre-school and family planning services and 8 (53.3%) had independent midwife practices. The average pre-test score was 35.07 and post-test 37.47 points, resulting in an increase in score of 2.4. There has been an increase in midwives' knowledge about the spiritual needs of pregnant women, so that they can apply it to services so that the midwifery care provided can be holistic.
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